Project Description
Glasgow City Council has appointed a team led by John McAslan & Partners to work closely in collaboration with the council and the community to redevelop George Square and the surrounding Avenues (EIIPR Block C).
Ethos and Approach
The design ambition for the George Square and its Avenues builds upon the ambitions set out in the City Centre Strategy and the Avenues Programme. The aim is to improve the public realm that will rebalance traffic modes, introduce green and SMART infrastructure, and place “people” firmly at the heart of the project vision and design strategy.
Enhance and protect the environment
Improve connectivity across the city
Improve the Green Infrastructure
Enhance the public realm with high quality materials, planting and furniture that meet the desire and aspirations of the community
Improve cycle links and pedestrian movement
Enhance George Square's role as the city's pre-eminent civic space
Visions for the City Centre
The redesign of George Square is Priority 87 in the Council’s Strategic Plan which was approved as an emerging area strategy and approach by the City Administration Committee in January 2020.
George Square is part of the wider Avenues project which also covers: Dundas Street and Dundas Lane, John Street, St Vincent Street and St Vincent Place, George Street, Miller Street and Hanover Street.
The project is being delivered in two halves:
Phase 1 will include George Square, North Hanover Street, Hanover Street & Miller Street, John Street, Cochrane Street, West George Street and George Street up to Montrose Street. This is due to be completed in 2026.
Phase 2 includes St Vincent Street, St Vincent Place, Dundas Street, Dundas Lane, and the eastern section of George Street. This is due for completion in 2028.

Throughout this time period there will be a number of opportunities for members of the public, local businesses and community organisations to have their voices heard and support the design of a city centre fit for the future.
For more information please head to How to Get Involved.
For further information on Glasgow City Council’s Strategic Plans please follow the links below: